One House, One Block, One Neighborhood At A Time...
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
I want to thank everyone who donated and volunteered for GSCC's 6th annual Backpack and School Supply Giveaway! It was a huge success!! The biggest so far. Again THANK YOU!! We couldn't do this without you!!
Founder/President/Director at Georgia Street Community Collective/ Gardens (GSCC),
(Former) Board Member Keep Growing Detroit,
Member of Word of Faith International Christian Center
(Former) Board Member O.C.R.A.
All photographs and posts, unless stated otherwise, are copyrighted to The Georgia Street Community Garden Blog and should not be used without prior written consent.
WWII posters and vintage items are attributed to either Wayne State University or Walter Reuther Library.
Youtube videos and music belong to each specific writer/composer/videographer. Used here for entertainment purposes only. No income is generated from their talent.
Cub's personal photographs of the Georgia Street Garden and The Georgia Street Community Collective events, specifically belong to him and are on use here as a courtesy. Please contact Cub for use of his photos and/or interviews with regard to the garden, a personal tour or Georgia Street Community Collective.